
Full ayatul kursi in roman english
Full ayatul kursi in roman english

Ayat al kursi ø ùšø ø ù ùƒø ø ùš the verse of the throneayat al kursi is verse 255 of the second chapter surah of the holy quran surat al baqarah the chapter of the cow. Ayatul kursi transliteration in english pictures to pin on ayatul kursi with translation 490x700 my. He knoweth what appeareth to his creatures as before or after or behind them. Who is there can intercede in his presence except as he permitteth.

full ayatul kursi in roman english

There is no god but he the living the self subsisting eternal.Īyatul kursi full the throne verse now we ll share one verse in the qur an namely ayat al kursi in some language in arabic urdu translation in english transliteration even in hindi and much more to help people with different language ayatul kursi is verse ayat 255 from chapter 2 or surah al baqarah i hope this useful for you and me insyaalloh.

full ayatul kursi in roman english

His throne doth extend over the heavens and on earth and he feeleth no. Ke Toko Ayatul Kursi With Translation Qur An 2 225 Islamic Indeed ayat ul kursi is the leader of this leader surah of the holy quran.Īyatul kursi in english roman.

Full ayatul kursi in roman english